Traditional and Historical Territory 

Historical Clan Boundaries 

Our traditional and historical territory encompasses all of the City and Borough of Juneau, as well as some areas to the east and north on Admiralty Island and the Chilkat Peninsula, to the south encompassing Endicott Arm, and to the east into Canada in the areas of the Taku River and Atlin, B.C. 

A`akw Kwáan & T`aaku Kwáan

The map above shows the aboriginal use and ownership, as well as uses in 1946, of the lands within the DIA’s traditional Tribal territory. 

Tlingit Settlements

Documented Tlingit settlements include: Jaw Point on the Taku River; Taku Harbor; Pt. Salisbury and Pt. Bishop; Dupont, Thane, Sheep Creek; South Douglas, Sandy Beach, Mayflower Island and Savikko Park; the Juneau Indian Village; West Douglas, Middle Point, Pt. Hilda, Young’s Bay; Outer Point, North Douglas; Auke Village, Auke Bay, and Auke Lake; Lena Cove and Berner’s Bay.