Tribal Transportation Program (TTP)

The Tribal Transportation Program (TTP) is the largest program in the Office of Federal Lands Highway. Established in 23 U.S.C. 202 to address the transportation needs of Tribal governments throughout the United States, the program is receiving $465 million in FY 2016, with increases of $10 million per year to $505 million in FY 2020, as established in Public Law 114-94, Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (the FAST Act).

The purpose of the TTP is to provide safe and adequate transportation and public road access to and within Indian reservations, Indian lands, and Alaska Native Village communities. A prime objective of the TTP is to contribute to the economic development, self-determination, and employment of Indians and Native Americans.

The Tribal Transportation Program is funded by contract authority from the Highway Trust Fund and is subject to the overall Federal-aid obligation limitation. Funds are allocated among Tribes using a statutory formula based on tribal population, road mileage and average tribal shares of the former Tribal Transportation Allocation Methodology (TTAM) formula.

Transportation Program Vision Statement

“The Douglas Indian Association envisions addressing public safety, economic development, access to Tribal lands and historic sites, food security, and housing for present and future generations through strengthening Tribal capacity and promoting the health, well-being and sustainability of its people and culture through improved transportation access and infrastructure.”

Long Range Transportation Goals


The broad goals developed in spring of 2013 were refined at a joint Tribal Council/Roads Committee work session in January of 2014. The long-range goals for the DIA Tribal Transportation Program are as follows:

Access & Sustainability:

• Acquire land and develop a transportation facility from which to operate the Transportation Program.
• Re-establish historic use of and routes to cultural sites and traditional territory through improving access and working with agencies to protect and maintain routes and sites.
• Educate agencies about the history of the Tribe and establish cooperative relationships with them regarding transportation access.

Public Safety:

• Improve water/boating safety.
• Improve and promote maintenance and safe use of trails.
• Improve bicycle, pedestrian, and driver safety on the roadways, especially in school zones.

Economic Development:

• Restore and improve access to and customary uses of cultural resources and Tribal territory for the economic well being of the Tribe.



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